Philadelphia Tales
Cancun 04

The Cape 04

Bermuda 05

San Francisco 05

Umbria and Venice 05

Plum Island 06

Minneapolis 06

Umbria 07

San Francisco 07
Philadelphia Tales
intro . 2008 . 2007 . 2006 . 2005 . 2004 . garden . kayak . travel . to see . to eat . Forking Delicious . My Umbrian Adventure
Umbria 2007
In September, after a year and a half of planning, I returned to Umbria with my cooking group - Forking Delicious and about 30 friends of friends and family of friends. The group rented 5 houses and 11 cars, enjoyed 3 cooking events and numerous travel adventures. Oh, and one wedding.

I stayed an extra week after the group to relax and visit with friends.

Visit the forking delicious website for our food related adventures.